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great error
also ran

Polish the memory
Make it all shiny
Leave out the details, the regrets
You're allowed to say you would've done it right
You would've carried him home
That's where you're wrong
That's never coming true
No one is saving his place
Time won't run backwards as much as you want to erase
You had your chance
And it's gone
Find me a physicist
Buy him a drink at the bar and then stay as it bursts into flames
He says call 911
He says call me the one from now on
But everything's wrong
That's never coming true
No one is taking his place
Time won't run backwards
Instead it kicks you in the face
I had my chance
And it's gone
Make it all shiny
Leave out the details, the regrets
You're allowed to say you would've done it right
You would've carried him home
That's where you're wrong
That's never coming true
No one is saving his place
Time won't run backwards as much as you want to erase
You had your chance
And it's gone
Find me a physicist
Buy him a drink at the bar and then stay as it bursts into flames
He says call 911
He says call me the one from now on
But everything's wrong
That's never coming true
No one is taking his place
Time won't run backwards
Instead it kicks you in the face
I had my chance
And it's gone
dennis harvey:
all instruments | voice
dennis harvey:
composition | lyrics | mastering | mixing | production | recording
group notes:
Written and recorded 2009-2021 in various living spaces in Austin and Houston, TX