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no other way
No Other Way

The corsair lacks resilience
The tempest holds no beat
Reginald stabbed the pavement
Digging for soil
But he only found meat
Cars don't take you dancing
Traps don't sprain your feet
The alcohol glare commodious stare
The burbage in the buttermilk stank like a modern calf
He passed through the doorway and spat
Like there was nothing else in his mouth
But she knew what she was after
Torches torches torches
Porches and corpses and gum
Porches and corpses and gum
Hugging like the sun
He hiccuped as if he meant to say
There is no other way
Your lips are getting louder
There is no other way
The tempest holds no beat
Reginald stabbed the pavement
Digging for soil
But he only found meat
Cars don't take you dancing
Traps don't sprain your feet
The alcohol glare commodious stare
The burbage in the buttermilk stank like a modern calf
He passed through the doorway and spat
Like there was nothing else in his mouth
But she knew what she was after
Torches torches torches
Porches and corpses and gum
Porches and corpses and gum
Hugging like the sun
He hiccuped as if he meant to say
There is no other way
Your lips are getting louder
There is no other way
dennis harvey:
all instruments | voice
dennis harvey:
composition | lyrics | mastering | mixing | production | recording
Written and recorded January 13-16, 2019.
group notes:
Written and recorded on a repaired Fostex X-30 4-track cassette recorder between January 13-29, 2019. Digitally mixed/mastered without editing on February 1, 2019, modeled after a 2-track cassette mixdown.