beepbonk :: pudjem :: stain parade :: the devil's tooth
The Devil's Tooth
Stain Parade cover
...tooth-like projections that hang from the undersurface of the fruit bodies with thick, smooth inner walls and warts. The fruit bodies typically have a funnel-shaped cap with a white edge. The flesh is a pale pinkish brown. The lower part is hairy. Moist fruit bodies can "bleed" bright red guttation droplets. The fungus is known by several names, "strawberries and cream", the "red-juice tooth", the "bleeding tooth fungus", and the "devil's tooth". It is usually densely covered with "hairs". Fresh fruit bodies exude a striking, thick red fluid when they are moist.

jason harvey: bass guitar
paul ambro: guitar
dennis harvey: keyboards | noises
paul ambro: composition
dennis harvey: composition | mastering | mixing | production | recording
jason harvey: composition
Completed on 11/29/2020.
group notes:
Byurken von Pinklesteinvonschitzenelhausengruber Von :: guitar, voice, noises
Jürgen von Übersplatz :: keyboard, percussion, voice, noises
Herr Trigger von Einen Bitten Mit ze Locking und Lödink :: bass, voice, noises
Hans Fiet :: guitar, voice, noises

most instruments recorded at putrid sanctuary studios: 1 (12/23/2019); 3 (10/18/2015); 4, 18 (10/19/2019); 5, 12 (2/23/2019); 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 19 (12/29/2018); 7, 8 (4/20/2019); 13, 15 (9/8/2018); 16 (6/13/2019); 17 (1/25/2020).

everything else recorded at reeking haven studios may-october 2020.

some samples collected by herr trigger von einen bitten mit ze locking und lödink.

mixed, edited, and mastered may-october 2020 by jürgen von übersplatz.