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great error

charlotte dhl dilworth and coffee
work up in hickory
drive trucks and dream of change
reimer ellis chip and spanky
life's good and guilt free
humble and sane
take an interview in a skyscraper
put on slacks shirt and a tie
and join the game
work your way up the staircase
pick up the briefcase
and run away
you'll stop face to face
with mark reimer
you'll hear the timer
you'll detonate
work your way up the ladder
forget what matters
you satiate
you'll stop face to face
with chip bishop
you'll feel your feet slip
you'll detonate
try to remember where you came from
return to sagemont
and vegetate
stop when you realize
you're far from where you belong
you detonate
shrug your shoulders
turn and clutch the covers
soon you'll recover from this mistake
work your way
back down the staircase
smile and about-face
you detonate
work up in hickory
drive trucks and dream of change
reimer ellis chip and spanky
life's good and guilt free
humble and sane
take an interview in a skyscraper
put on slacks shirt and a tie
and join the game
work your way up the staircase
pick up the briefcase
and run away
you'll stop face to face
with mark reimer
you'll hear the timer
you'll detonate
work your way up the ladder
forget what matters
you satiate
you'll stop face to face
with chip bishop
you'll feel your feet slip
you'll detonate
try to remember where you came from
return to sagemont
and vegetate
stop when you realize
you're far from where you belong
you detonate
shrug your shoulders
turn and clutch the covers
soon you'll recover from this mistake
work your way
back down the staircase
smile and about-face
you detonate
dennis harvey:
all instruments | voice
dennis harvey:
composition | lyrics | mastering | mixing | production | recording
extra performance:
jason harvey:
bass guitar
group notes:
informations: music recorded in houston, tx 2000-2002 except track 13 recorded in charlotte, nc 1999. written 2000-2002 except tracks 09, 11, 12, 13 written 1995-1997. all sounds by dennis except: bass guitar on tracks 03, 07 by jason; small word on track 06 by tony; track 01 contains a sample from "before night falls" by peter gabriel, ©1989 real-world/virgin records, ltd.; track 02 contains samples from "billboard love" by uncle bonsai, ©1986 freckle records; "on the eve of the second year anniversary of morton's death" by orlando jacinto garcia ©1991 o.o. discs, inc.; "bed/aria" by philip glass, ©1993 elektra entertainment; track 09 contains a sample from "t'amo" by tenores di bitti ©1996 real world records ltd. mammatus cloud photo by michael bath.
remastered summer 2012.