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summer fun in the park
Summer Fun In The Park

dennis harvey:
all instruments
dennis harvey:
composition | mastering | mixing | production | recording
group notes:
informations: music recorded in houston, tx 2000-2002 except track 13 recorded in charlotte, nc 1999. written 2000-2002 except tracks 09, 11, 12, 13 written 1995-1997. all sounds by dennis except: bass guitar on tracks 03, 07 by jason; small word on track 06 by tony; track 01 contains a sample from "before night falls" by peter gabriel, ©1989 real-world/virgin records, ltd.; track 02 contains samples from "billboard love" by uncle bonsai, ©1986 freckle records; "on the eve of the second year anniversary of morton's death" by orlando jacinto garcia ©1991 o.o. discs, inc.; "bed/aria" by philip glass, ©1993 elektra entertainment; track 09 contains a sample from "t'amo" by tenores di bitti ©1996 real world records ltd. mammatus cloud photo by michael bath.
remastered summer 2012.