beepbonk :: pudjem :: der mekanisme :: flop 2: spastic hyperdouche
Flop 2: Spastic Hyperdouche
Der Mekanisme cover
jason harvey: bass guitar | voice
michael ambro: guitar | voice
paul ambro: guitar | voice
dennis harvey: keyboards | noises | voice
jason harvey: composition
paul ambro: composition
michael ambro: composition
dennis harvey: composition | mastering | mixing | production | recording
Completed on 11/26/2018.
group notes:
Max Topper :: guitar, and also voice and noises
Kixx McDixx :: keyboard, percussion, and also voice and noises
Phil Lodebottom :: bass, and also voice and noises
Tommi Roxx :: guitar, and also voice and noises

most instruments recorded at putrid sanctuary studios: 3, 13, 16 (11/24/2007); 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12,14, 17, 18, 19 (12/29/2007); 11 (10/11/2008); 8, 15 (12/30/2017); 7 (6/16/2018).

everything else recorded at reeking haven studios may 2012 – november 2018.

some samples collected by phil lodebottom.

mixed, edited, and mastered may 2012 – november 2018 by kixx mcdixx.