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awesome: no story
funky ruckus at the robobar (no story version)
Funky Ruckus At The Robobar (no story version)

paul ambro:
dennis harvey:
composition | mastering | mixing | production | recording
jason harvey:
group notes:
Ever wished you could hear pUdjEm's ludicrous two-album concept masterpiece "Awesome" without irritating samples thrown in by a producer trying to "tell a story"? Ever wondered what the individual tracks sounded like in their original mastered glurry, before d went crazypants? Now "you can go it"!
Presenting "Awesome: No Story" - all 42 tracks from the two "Awesome" albums in a 78-MINUTE HI-FI CONCEPT-FREE STEREOPHONIC SOUND SMORGASBORD:
- Some tracks are longer edits not included on the original albums. More... flesh!
- Segues were only kept if they didn't interfere with the music. Less... explosions!
Enjoy this psychedelic romp through a world of detectives, robots, spider-women, robo-hoods, insane circuses, psychotic Rastafarian surgeons, fantasy archetype invaders, the dark lord Sauron, and epic infinite battle to the farthest corners of the universe... but without all that.
most instruments recorded at putrid sanctuary studios: 10 (october 2006); 7,19 (11/18/06); 5,9,12,17,20,24,29,31,35,36 (12/9/06); 3,4,6,8,11,13,14,15,16,26,27,30,34,38 (early 2007); 2,18,21,23,28,32,33,37,39,40,41,42 (6/30/07); 25 (12/29/07); additional pjm voices recorded 2008-2015. everything else recorded at reeking haven studios october 2007-august 2015. j helped collect samples. mixed, edited, produced, and mastered october 2007-august 2015 by d. "no story" version produced november-december 2020 by d.
p :: guitar (except drum machine on 27 and keyboard on 30) and also voices
d :: keyboard (except guitar on 30) and also voices and sounds
j :: bass and also voices
m :: guitar (except keyboard on 5, 12, and 29) and also voices
©2020 pUdjEm all rights reserved like tanks spot your crusty turtle