beepbonk :: pudjem :: overproduced career-destroying self-indulgent concept album :: oh no cgi invaders at the gate
But then it's like all the orcs and stuff were like breaking down the gate of that big city right, and everybody in there was like oh my god cuz the witch king came and busted Gandalf's staff so he's all lame and everything, and the king is all psycho trying to like burn himself up and everything and all these dragons are flying around, but then like all these guys on horses show up and they kill some orcs and stuff but then the witch king comes and kills some guy and then he gets all stabbed in the face, and then all these elephants come like being ridden by the Al-Qaeda right, so the elephants are killing everyone, but then the main good guy shows up with all these ghosts that start killing all the orcs and then the elf guy like surfs around on this elephant and kills like the Taliban and stuff that are like riding the elephants and so everybody's happy and they have a big celebration cuz they won and stuff
jason harvey: bass guitar
michael ambro: guitar
paul ambro: guitar
dennis harvey: keyboards | voice
michael ambro: composition
paul ambro: composition
dennis harvey: composition | lyrics | mastering | mixing | production | recording
jason harvey: composition
Completed on 11/07/2006.
group notes:
instruments recorded at putrid sanctuary studios early 2006: 2,14,15,19,23 (pdjm); 3,7,9,21,22 (pjm); 5,11,12 (pdj). instruments recorded at putrid sanctuary studios mid-2006: 1,4,6,10,13,16,17,18,20 (pdjm). pjm voices recorded at putrid sanctuary studios august-october 2006. keyboard recorded at reeking haven studios april 2006: 3,7,9,21,22. everything else recorded at reeking haven studios april-november 2006. j helped collect samples. mixed and edited april-november 2006 by d.

p :: guitar, and also voices and sounds
d :: keyboard, and also voices and sounds
j :: bass, and also voices and sounds
m :: guitar, and also voices and sounds

©2006 pUdjEm all rights reserved not enough room for copyr