beepbonk :: pudjem :: sphincter gypsy :: sir crumpleridge sudsyclaw
Sir Crumpleridge Sudsyclaw
Sphincter Gypsy cover
tickle lacquer fungus origami
flagellum crank sphincter gypsy
illegible spiral caveman bison
knot sliced flu pop
pork boil igloo multiplier
elephant nut swelling pyramid
juicy hemorrhoid corn market
obfuscate hillary shingle basket
melancholy laplace pavement spittle
hairlip ladle tripod pie
cork cusp dingo flakes
crumple ridge sudsy claw
sebum suction bubbles stilts
paul ambro: backing voice | guitar | noises | voice
jason harvey: backing voice | bass guitar | noises
michael ambro: backing voice | guitar | noises
dennis harvey: backing voice | keyboards | noises | percussion
michael ambro: composition | lyrics
jason harvey: composition | lyrics | mixing | recording
paul ambro: composition | lyrics
dennis harvey: composition | lyrics | mastering | mixing | production | recording
Completed on 02/25/2006.
group notes:
recorded live at putrid sanctuary studios on january 6, 2006, although parts of Sir Crumpleridge Sudsyclaw were recorded in 2005
mixed live by j and d, edited later by d

p :: guitar and the voice of Sir Crumpleridge Sudsyclaw, except for bass on Gallons Of Blood
d :: keyboard and percussion, except for guitar on Gallons Of Blood and Belch!Pump
j :: bass, except for guitar on Gallons Of Blood
m :: guitar, except for keyboard on Gallons Of Blood and Belch!Pump

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